10:56 PM 0



National Museum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia's largest museum, a cultural gathering locations and important history. National Museum to save the statue and historical evidence of more than 1 thousand 4 billion since prehistoric Angkor period and later.

Memoirs national power
The National Museum was built ឴ Thailand Sihanouk ឵ 15, 1917 according to traditional Khmer architecture and was inaugurated in 1920 by King safety. Inside the National Museum deposited artifacts left over from the pre-Angkorian and Angkorian period. It's a collection care good for the world doing research about art Khmer archeological artifacts from the 4th century until the 13th century.
Messages power while National was built in 1917 in the days of French colonial upon the Kingdom of Cambodia (1863-1953) with architect French h the hrau Lee Yemen (George Groslier) that length 54 meters and a depth of 66 meters, and built on the platform with a height of 2 meters and a half. Opening ceremony was held dated 13 April 1920 under the chairmanship of His Majesty King Sisowath king of Cambodia and before Henry dvoam senior French in Cambodia. At the beginning messaging power while National is called messaging power while the krong_kampoucheathibtei and to honor history honor to the governor French Alps Bernoulli Saron site (Albert Sarraut) recently changed its name to message their power of al-Siberian curse basket.
Today there are two badges to make a marble Khmer and one French-language transcript from that generation. The layout of the messages their power is drawn by h the hrau Lee Yemen (George Groslier) collection of sculptures of the palace are the work of artist Khmer, a teacher and a student of the school, such as story neangkakei or Ream reputation, etc. (On those days, the building that is the message Romney transfers and a training school as well). They decorated martial vibrant price on twelve windows and the gate drawn three paintings Other Legends ancient Khmer western windows lined sheet (from the inside).
Because the national power center located in the South, one of the Royal University of Fine Arts (built in 1917), Cambodian People call center salarochnea habits. Messages their power is controlled by the conservative French have, in particular, Mr. Jordan hrkou Lee Yemen is a conservative first Persian after the plug sponge (Pierre Dupont), and follow-up management, messaging power while also being awarded to Mr. Dutch Jerry Bernoulli any (Solange Thierry Bernard) being a director until 1949.
Another followed in 1950 because of power held by Jean Boesselier Angkor Conservation received the message directed at the work of their power. He organized the Assignment of authority because of their power from the French School of the Far East to the government. It was then that power is the name of national power.
Since 1966, ten-year contract between the French School of the Far East and the Royal Government of Cambodia to end. Labor Management Message power while national was dock transfers and laid conservative Resolution on the first, when he is a Thai Seng (Chea Thay Seng), which he used to study (Ecole du Louvre) and at the University of Paris, France. Care Seng led power conservation status (director) until 1971. He then continued conservation Ly Vouong appointed two people were killed in the Khmer Rouge regime.
In the 1970s, the country faced a political crisis, and the security is not guaranteed, Bernard Philippe Groshier transport managers Sunflowers Price from Siem Reap to the Angkor Conservation national power. Art objects Price from power of the province and two other power while also shipping because of their power.
After closed abandoned the regime of Khmer Rouge for almost 4 year power while also arrange the order and opening serve visitors as a new review in dated 13 April 1980, those with a Diploma out of college was appointed as Chairman of the Management series that has Ouk as Ouk Sun Heng. Pich Keo (1991-1996). In dated 26 September 1996, there Assignment of positions between Mr. Pich Keo and Khun Samet (US conservatives present) under the presidency of His Excellency state officials Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts Nuth any drought at the power of the nation.
First national power while building a high school located in the former stable safety called "power while Phnom Penh." When the message power while national (messaging power of today day) build already recently messaging power of Phnom full located messaging power while International today day by turns called "Message power while the krong_kampoucheathibtei."
After the inauguration day in 1920 because of their power krong_kampoucheathibtei was renamed as: "Al-power SBC Cameroon site." And in 1996 was renamed as the "power of the country." When he arrived in 1979 because their power was renamed as: "Because their power artifacts." Then, in the days of Peter glass conservation because of their power was turned called "national power" to this day.
Repair power

Luxurious palaces of power architecture and real Cambodian national has been modified to extend the repair and set up a new subsequent review in 1969. Building east central section, which is the oldest section to be dismantled and rebuilt. But saved format as original due to the construction of concrete Armenian required is a three-story was created foundation for the statutory objects inventories senior middle untouched and floor for an office administrative location statutory documents bnnasar_dthan and libraries. With the help of friends and charitable organizations because of their power has been renovated and equipped with facilities and human resources.
In 1984, because their power was fixed after a new government assistance (Republic). Statue suffered damage requires repair is new.
Is next because their power has received financial support from Australia has been renovating. Such as rooftop wooden ceiling on damages are additional fixes to protect bat dung. Painted walls inside and outside beauty. Messages their power was inaugurated in Thailand on 28 April 1995 after the renovation of already completed under the chairmanship King Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia, and HE Bill Hay Laden General of Australia to to fix the final messages of power while the National Review. The current status of message more power while follow-up BMI on Eph Marx called Find financial aid and techniques to solve problems and make their power improves.
The four galleries of power
East Galleries: north, you can see the exhibition of post-Angkorian statues. Glass cabinets in two rows (khangchevong and right Krut) filled with objects made of bronze and hence Rights recently called Samrin rights standards. Samrin rights standards are divided into two khangchevong Krut is the standard "A" flu and the right hand side is the standard "B". Following standard "" standard Trojans prior history, which has just set up new. South is standard art factory repair.
South galleries: art gallery, made of mud since the 6th century until the 11th century (Baphuon style).
Western gallery: Only two style is the style of Angkor Wat and the Bayon style. Standard for the art style has been divided into two films is the standard "A" standard with preahbdema Jayavarman 7 and the standard "B" wise not kneel.
The northern gallery: gallery Trojans ethnicity east end of the gallery is a standard part ceramics. Visitors child after watching the colt into standard ceramic Buddha statues and then came to visit the booth "A" standard of rights. For guests who are interested in Cuong improve Trojans can chenhtamotvear architecture (behind Garuda) to study the objects on display at the corner of the housetop gallery further south, west and north. Housetop Each gallery has a pier and several statues. Housetop gallery north-east rock inscriptions and low credit martial panel Banteay two main tabs.

10:42 PM 0



Emerald Pagoda was built from 1892 to 1902 by default Khmer architecture and new building was dismantled in 1962. This pagoda called Wat Ubor from King Place to ubaosathseil every day. Besides, there are also present royal house blanket ruler's house and other officials also celebrate the Buddhist tradition here.
In this monastery there was no Monk sat. Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk is that he stays for one years old (Deuteronomy 14 laboratories chhnakor nopvosak. 2490 will be July 31, 1947). That is why God's word called temple Wat Keo, without words. Whenever the king celebrating royal Buddhist monks Monk sat from other pagodas in Phnom Penh Unaloam presence Botumvattey.
Wat is located south of the Palace, which is surrounded by tall circular gallery. Cairo along the gallery was used as a classroom for Pali Monk sat at the pagoda in Phnom Penh and the provinces before establishing Bali on 16 December 1930

Paintings on the walls of the temple's porch

On the ancient wall paintings gallery Ramayana tale from beginning to end. This painting is drawn up in 1903-1904 under the leadership of Miss Tep symbols carved along with 40 Khmer artists. This painting started from the eastern gallery south ptthomuoychoum entire gallery with a length of 642 meters and a height of 3 meters. So this means painting gallery bratoksaen circle. Ancient paintings around porch Ramayana shows the features of the different non capture or copy exclusively from the Ramayana of India because the Ramayana story have set aside some seem in mystery until they look away the rest forward knew travel story below it. Or until some of the Ramayana story. This content Ramayana was interpreting some scenes of masked skin or other statues and used to predict the prophet Cho fluke. Currently, these paintings Bonh and gradually disappear due to weather and battery and destruction. In 1985, the Cambodian government has been working with the government of Poland lifted plan for the protection and repair paintings only repair painting's process only 5 years aces later, has been terminated by from the budget for spending on this project expires. With Royal greeting from His Majesty King Samdech Norodom Sihanouk God Cremation in 2015, they propose repair painting these again in collaboration Delhi for the group than from abroad and over Khmer many others. Sincerely hope that the young generation will see the best paintings of this scope.

10:29 PM 0



Construction Palace last held in Phnom Penh, the number 2 is the 1st in 1434 During King Yat and 2nd in 1866 in the kingdom, King and was removed again in 1913 in the reign of King Sisowath until today named Palace Chaktomok wedding by situated straight confluence of the river creatures have the Mekong River Mekong, Bassac and Tonle Sap. Palace building is oriented to the east, is turning to the Tonle Sap River.
Palace walled length 1772 mm, with wall east west length of 421 mm length 435 m north-south length of 484 mm and a length of 432 mm. Solid stone walls were adorned with sheets of demarcation above was built in 1866 - 1870 during the reign of King. Palace, built in the Bayon style gate number 5 and 5 door was not stabbed. In the temple gates and doors ghost ghosts in the east, and the door at the right hand side door. The wedding palace hall located east gate ghost door, located at the north. Ghost door is allowed to use only when the king into death to the funeral procession to the cremation at Meru. Construction of the palace was built according to traditional architecture uknhea_tepnimmit Mak's best architects. Many temples show off handsome shaped roof design with fancy gold colored tiled floors and a central tower bastion massive fire as a symbol of endless progress.
Palace is considered representative of the entire nation and all the construction of the temple in the palace was adorned with painted white, yellow represents Buddhism and represent Hinduism.


Brasaeat_tevea_vinichchhy built in the reign of King Sisowath in 1913 - 1917 and the inauguration on 16 June 1919. 60 temples along the width of 30m and a massive 59-glittering heights:
Crowned monarch ascended the throne
Royal gold gate countries
Royal credentials
Royal reception for national and international high-ranking guests.
Brasaeat_tevea_vinichchhy divided glittering svet umbrella HOR Academy haopreah cycle glittering DTAA glittering Bos glittering Department glittering Neary Sophea Imperial glittering and glittering food. On the massive presence of Brahma 4 that turned his face to the 4 directions.
Alongside Cameron Index
Alongside Cameron index is located west of the northern Chiang brasaeat_tevea_vinichchhy built in 1927 - 1930 by Blue uknhea_tepnimmit days [[Sisowath Monivong | King Sisowath Monivong. Currently preahreach_damnak permanent royal residence. King temple was used for receiving guests major foreign head of state to visit the Kingdom of Cambodia accommodation, such as French 

President Charles de Gaulle Castle peace

The temple Sahametrei north haosamreantophirom nearby wall palace north built in 1950 during the King Sihanouk as preahreach_damnak new Queen Sisowath Kossomak Neary is the Queen Mother of God since Tabernacle Russell was there when her husband King Norodom Suramarit has died. Previously, as a place for gathering officers protect the palace, and later was used as the Secretariat of the National Council.
Castle House sleep Piromya
Castle House sleep Piromya north brasaeat_tevea_vinichchhy built in 1915 - 1917 in the reign of King Sisowath where traditional instruments and traditional Khmer and prepare toys for various royal march. In the upper room for the King facilitate the body before and after him, he sat down and when coming back from hunting Elephant. Preah Sihanouk has become a museum which is deposited a precious souvenir general state of friendly countries to offer the King. Later, the museum was moved to put the restaurant on the front porch of the temple in 2005 until today.
King Monument Napoleon 3
Monument king Napoleon 3rd built by the steel, studded with iconic clock 1 huge for the queen as's wife emperor Napoleon the 3rd name Empress okay Algerian Nile when opening of the Suez Canal in 1869. Then the emperor Napoleon the 3rd offered as souvenirs to King Norodom in 1870 to a French ties - term Khmer temple was reinstalled all of the prototype in 1876. House was renovated recently by a group of French volunteer technicians 1 team in 1992. The temple is currently being exhibited paintings and art objects, the former photos.

Moon Royal or Royal Office

The temple is at the back of the castle Napoleon 3 was built in 1954 - 1959 during the reign of King Suramarit 4 years after the abdication of His Majesty Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk, who abdicated on March 3 1955. The temple is divided into 2 floors is 1 for attention jewelry dance floor reachyotrop hem diplomatic and souvenirs. A senior South in preparing an office of the Minister of the Royal Palace and the Royal Office of the Head of State Samdech Norodom Sihanouk. Currently preahreach_damnak Monday the Department of Administrative Office of krasuong_preahbaromreachvang.
Articles details: Pagoda

Pagoda enshrined Buddhism statue 1 South valuable lens color like emerald. Emerald was Siam fetch with ox offensive Angkor
In the year 1420. Foreigners called the Silver Pagoda because the bottom of the temple floor tiles of cash with a weight of 1.125 kg per sheet and sheet totaled 5.329 Diamonds. . Pagoda was built by King Norodom in 1892 and rebuilt stone by King Norodom Sihanouk in 1962. Pagoda called Wat but no monks sat like a pagoda. In 1947 here, only King Norodom Sihanouk, who was there, because he stays for 1 years old, on 1 July 1947.
9:55 PM 0

Yeak Loam Lake Ratanakiri province

 Natural Resort

welcome to ratanakiri province yeak Loam Lake is a lake located in the center of the mountain communes Ban Lung Ratanakiri. yeak Loam Lake beautiful natural resort second to none in the country that has been caused by volcanic eruptions hundreds of years in his childhood. View the lake Loam looks offing eyes have forest grows accompanied around the lake, which is a shade for entertainment while Externally water green water wellspring almost mirror face up in audience did not want to depart from the location it. Loam Lake Resort, about 9 kilometers from Ban Lung, the heart of Ratanakiri. The lake has a circumference of 2612 meters with a diameter of 800 meters and a depth of 50 meters. Because of the province, a province rich in Resource such as making the network of people living around the province came to live there due to come here recently, then they see now Ratanakiri more bustling and land there trauvbean and up Thai price sreut_ well. When we arrived Loam lake was immediately in front of Barak to stop to pay before going to visit there. Tickets for the Resolution on the $ 300 foreign Realty 1 500 small car Realty motorcycles 1500 Realty 2000 Real big car and tires 300 riel.

The beautiful lake of Ratanakiri

 We went to visit there during the Khmer New Year is very bustling location almost no car parked motorcycle. Then we went down the stairs to toward the lake Loam But what is not convincing as the term said to have forefathers, a thousand times no equivalent saw again, because only on Externally water colored greens look offing eye and has a forest grows accompanied around the sides is to be beautiful. Tourists each one when reaching the lake immediately they hurried dressing, and pull the camera to go swimming and photography uniting memories off friends, brothers But before they went down to swim, they must hire Shirt defense first is a connection Price 2,000 riels if older people do not want to rent also only swim. Tourists everyone who visited Lake Loam praised not isolated from the mouth, not that this lake is the landscape beautiful lake has a lush green if diving away colder and worse, making those who have to visit there, do not want to come back, we Greeks look to khangchevong hand to enter into a swimming pool, we will see huts Bunong two they built to visitors that that's hut representing the daughters, sons and visitors can take pictures up and down freely. Tourists, some who have not yet descended diving is they walk around the lake to enjoy the scenery most people who visited and bath there is the afternoon hours, 2 or 3, because the morning they came to visit waterfalls Other previous people living around the lake Loam believe that this lake is aroksaatuk and aroksaaphnom preserve them dare not clearing out there because of the dangers to them Moreover, when their children are sick again and they always take the pigs poultry to Sen to ask for happiness, but now faith, all of which are faded out, and with them, simply leave there as the location resort for entertainment only.
9:28 PM 0

First discovered Angkor wat

First discovered Angkor wat

Salute Vishnu him at Borei Buddhism in Asia, the South East in the history Khmer fit yuan last fall in the range of the National Angkorian and French protectorate in Bahasa, Chinese, that is, between the 15th century and the 19th century often back then was considered as "absent". For, unlike the era before and unlike at current social and political culture of the countries in Southeast Asia in a similar period. Central Cambodia's difficult to determine when growing and flowing or a boom in trade. Instead, this has apparently failed to see the loss erosion and instability. There are many stories that led them to figure out how this growth of Theravada Buddhism, believe the glitch was a major base. Meanwhile, criminal abandonment and Mahayana Buddhism, along with the progress of Theravada Buddhism does not encourage an engraved stone inscriptions and construction nervous before big anymore. Notice that Theravada Buddhism began in Khmer history amid economic and political be weakened. Sentiment negatively about priests justice Khmer post-Angkorian, which covers upon studies Research historic Khmer era, at least caused sentiment positive about leaving the roots into society in Khmer of Buddhism, Theravada.
The first encounter castles

The use of language loss and the discovery of a new, this is not a concept created by the colonies alone. Residents also used language similar in the document written some of the middle period. For example, as in a fairytale ears that: in the 16th century royal Khmer one name him Monday (the moon Kingdom) came to teakdamri the woods and found the stone a piece buried in the bush. Royal and her retinue of His understood that rock is not a rock not unusual because they saw bright light and I thought the stone was the symbol. The king commanded them to clearing weeds and clearing out. And then they found a stone and a piece of the rest until seeing temples one. The latter saw the castle the other in the Angkor area. King or soldier's support also coming manage Angkor. And repair of temples in the area and causing create religious beliefs, a new on capital, abandoned for more than 100 by the king Khmer in the past. The use of the word abandonment and disclosure review expressed thoughts exacerbated problem compact territory and culture, based on the findings installation channel construction and arts classic. The idea remains influential desperately in mindset Khmer for Zealot. Story Prem should not believe that's true, but it's true. It should be noted that the legend has a pattern similar legends and some in the neighboring countries in the modern world is similar, and similar stories Prem than some others who speak in different regions in the country as well.

Kingdom of wonder
Written Khmer

 In fact, there is a lack of central polish
Historical evidence. If we simply compare the amount of pre-inscription and inscriptions in the middle, we see absolute difference. This little inscription makes it difficult to write the history of the Khmer era. Inscription past, there are more than a thousand posters Research for more than a century ago, and most have been translated. The information has been very valuable to organize b history of the reign of the king, that we clearly understand the evolution of the restaurant at politics and religion in ancient times. While central rock or just over 100 tabs guests only. Inscription difficult for archaeologists and history like past. Research shortages that we can not argue. However, this apparently see a change of mindset in society. Negative sentiment about the post-Angkorian almost never yielded Research civilization in modern times. Century until 1970, recently graduated from contemporary inscriptions and Central Research slight adjustments made under the framework of the idea that this is the day that we throw away. This idea makes the writing of the history of Cambodia on the basis of (mu A): 1. Angkorian splendor (2-era dark, which ought to be forgotten is to say, contemporary center) and 3. The discovery of Angkor again. Publication of the historic Khmer that most compiled by the Western countries a century ago, the era the center is taken as a symbol includes vague. Overall they frontiers considered the modern world that the great and mighty as ancient times but which has not yet grabbed the next interest historians in colonial Old of the Angkor Empire. Despite real as graduate whatever their finds maintain contemporary central in the process of writing history as well. This time as a representative of the dump that breaks away from the ancient and modern trance understand that negative thoughts can not be better than the previous session.
9:11 PM 0

prasatsombo preykouk temple kampong thom

prasatsombo preykouk

welcome to kampong thom province prasatsombo prey_kouk Sambo Prey Kuk Resort is a resort culture and history, which is located in the village commune sambo

kampong Thom town District, about 37 km from the province built on flat land size of 3,000 hectares along Road 64, turn right salavisay way Bos ants streets flooded during the rainy season, but we can go toward the rich. Sambo Prey Kuk Resort is the capital called Isanborei old hero from that era as a center of religious tti surgery. The temple is built of solid brick and laterite adorned with sculptures from the floor panel published by mortar on brick lining.

Martial phte and writing the word diamond braabtvear made of sandstone at all. The temple is built in the Caribbean positive last king ISANAVARMAN emissions Norway 1st in century 7 (C, white 616-635) of the times Zhēnlà group brasaeatsaambauropreikouk has been abandoned since 1971 inception, and was redesigned in the 1980s to cut down Oscar forest found temples all 140 temples and in the temple to the other finds have not yet seen.
Sambo Prey Kuk resort is divided into 4

kind of the temple

1. North Temple: Prasat called in the middle and surrounded by smaller temples and different.

2. temples Central: called Temple temples central entrance from the east than the foot at the door open from the other a false doors. The head stairs 4 image lion angkouyobanhchhorochongkong two directions, each called a myth. In the west of the temple group of small temples more.

3. South Temple: The temple called yeah system, located in the center surrounded by many temples system has a two-storey wall inner wall of the four lions Anuradhapura. These temples, the former capital.

4. Golden Temple fold: located north brasaeatsaambauropreikouk small castle made of brick and West, a temple made of laterite.
Border guard this large temple ruins were identified 3 areas for protection as follows:

1. 30 membrane surrounding wall below and pools

2. 300 1st membrane surrounding area

3. Distance 1500 2nd membrane surrounding area

prasatsombo preykouk small trees, large variety of plants, animals should be interested. Moreover prasatsombo preykouk attract foreign and domestic tourists visiting which help improve the livelihoods of the people living in the area and help promote Khmer culture more.  prasatsombo preykouk also help contribute to the development of the country in all forms.
11:05 PM 0

Phimeanakas temple siem reab

Phimeanakas temple

welcome to siem reab cambodia Phimeanakas temple In the early 11th century during the reign of King Jayavarman MMR built the castle for his temple (temple). Just half of Suryavarman Construction 1st MMR capture and build on. Phimeanakas in the courtyard of his palace for worship. The temple was first anointed with a gold tower Accord passenger Zhou Daguan, China, and it was attached with anecdotes legendary Angkor Gold Tower Palace, a princess living soul 9 and turned the company dealership itself is pretty poor for him to have sex with him every night on the golden towers before He went into the other room and his wife if he loses tonight believed he would die located in the north and the south, which took place in the 11th century, it is believed that the location of the These two are the repository, but other sources said that the position of the two was made to leave the reception of foreign status has risen as well. [1]
Wind Air Temple House is a castle built on sandstone in the kitchen on a foundation stone that wither three-story pyramid temple similar. The height of the foundation of the temple of the three-storey air of about 12 square meters for a long time, and the fourth steep stairs uniform. As for the road to visit the Royal Court had to walk through the foundation up stairs tent Krut palace on tent when we go up to the tent to see this statue emerged header Bayon Singapore courageous stand the head of the stairs on both sides. On this tent track construction of the tabernacle in the reign of King Jayavarman 7 are used for monitoring or other religious celebrations. Construction is currently no remaining scars because they are made of wood.

khmer temple

 Castle Air tour? Air monuments on a foundation of senior three-story building with a height of 4 mre. Under the 28-story First mre wide range in the north and south along the 35 mre long range in the east-west . 3 floors, foundations until foundations stairs temple in central North Temple 4 directions. But most damaging almost all, and where there is the best state in the west. Section 2 of the ladder attached to the side of the statue, lion and elephant emerged in North angle 3-storey foundation. The temple on the foundation in the first floor porch outside the factory made from sandstone at the base the foundation of the temple on the first floor outside porch Miller made from sandstone construction on a height of 2,5 mre foundation. Chinese named Zhou Daguan, said in the church, he will be an explosion of Her appearance with dragons 9 every night genealogy on each layer in the history of Chinese who live in City police. Luong circular pond with term uniform 4 corner mre 45 meters wide along a 125 mre. Swimming pool bottom edge of steep sandstone floor surrounded. It is believed that the pond was built during the reign of Jayavarman Voice 1 and more carved during the reign of Jayavarman 7 sound in the southern wall of the compound little longest pool to northern a sink, they concluded that the wall was built to cover the ground monuments Air that flows down to the in the pond. The point that should be very surprised of this wall is perfect sculptures and some similar to carvings on the walls of the Leper King. East of the pond in the east of the North gopura. Width 20 mre uniform sandstone along with 40 mre mre pond depth 4.5. It is believed that the pond is part of a palace built in the first compound. The pond and the western corridor of the pond at the Royal North West gopuras. Outside the stone wall old policy withered dilapidated rundown. Next, a small pond and low corridor and should point to a spot on the wall sculptures scary . Cross uniforms east corridor whole column at the bottom, but now covers almost all the trees if If we played a bit hard to watch.while you visit this place you will know about khmer king before.
10:47 PM 0

Lolei temple of khmer

Lolei temple
Khmer temple is so beautiful it good for your trip to Lolei temple.Lolei located north of the No. 6 (Siem Reap, Phnom Penh) Paul, 13 kilometers folded down 500 meters from the main road in Siem Reap commune, Prasat Lolei . The temple is located in the center Baray "Indra Devi," which has a length of 3,800 meters and a width of 300 meters near Wat temple. Lolei 4 brick towers built in two leading every pole is situated on higher ground central inscription Baray Preah Ko oriented to the east, and there are three doors Nov. Po direction main entrance gate towers 4 equal inscription carved using hand printing. This is a port associated with embroidery to the door of the temple doors carved finials box Serbia words. Each tower has decided shivling also called servants minutes each tower with a regular care. Preah Vihear temple towers collapsed all tabs remain nearly the same, but the other three towers and the poor condition now. Lolei built in the late 9th century, 893 by Yasovarman 1 dedicated to the statue of the Hindu religion. According to the inscription of the temple have details about the best time they pursued their calculations To celebrate the infection when Yasovarman 1 building Lolei maybe he started the project capital changed from "pm Hariharalaya" (current day Roluos) to "study" (Today Angkor temples in the region) is gradual. The inscription said in Baray district. Is for use in Hariharalaya and farm ponds in the region are currently in the vicinity this field. Lolei of Community Development Center solar training center for orphans Stand leaflets homeless and poor to their visitors who visit just to pay to supply food to the children in this organization because this organization newly established and Temple lacking funds International visitors to visit every day, but rare for tourists to visit it.


Adjustable temples built during the reign Yasovarman 1 in the 9th century, which is dedicated to the Hindu. The temple is located on the central high Baray lake statue (today) with a castle home Many churches carved princess makeup artists. A castle in the financial realm jam Sahara office. Adjustable temple is one of the tevosthan jam Hariharalaya. The temple was built in the middle of Shiva. Jayavarman 1 retail building Indradevi to protect the enemy, but he changed to Capital Nakorn why not be able to expand the Kingdom of God in the Caribbean through to university large. That's why the name of the University of the Caribbean States are gone Since then, he said.
How Lolei visit? Lolei built on a foundation that has a width of 80 feet mre mre along the 90, all made of brick gopuras Only one side. The temple is a temple, with two all 4 houses in the east and west, while the other two temples in the north and the south inscription similar to the Preah Ko different. Sculpture Lolei although very dilapidated, lively sculptures on the door frame and sandstone sculptures phte it can be concluded that the castle in the cavity eastern Indra Devi, who was sitting on an elephant ereavn . The left and right side of the elephant head ereavn Series. Compound Temple phte sculpture emerged all ascetic 8 was seated religious meditation. This sculpture in the door frame is made sandstone lions carry a wreath. Calls on all phte emerged sculpture religious ascetic 8 sitting of the Committee. This sculpture in the door frame is made sandstone lions carry a wreath. Most even though the statue is missing and destruction, but they are still considered a beautiful cows Fine art in the form of contemporary art or contemporary American empire Caribbean University.thanks for your trip to cambodia.

10:26 PM 0

Phnom Bakheng temple in siem reab

Phnom Bakheng

Welcome to cambodia kingdom of wonder in siem reab province Phnom Bakheng (Khmer: brasaeatophnombakheng) at Angkor, Cambodia's Buddhist and Hindu temple in the form of a temple [1]. 103 dedicated to Shiva, it was built in the late 9th century during the reign of Yasovarman (889-910). Located on a hill, it is today a popular tourist area for sunset views of Angkor Wat a lot larger in the jungle about 1.5 kilometers southeast. This is the largest number of visitors to Phnom Bakheng threat of a monument of Angkor. [1] Since 2004, the World Monuments Fund has been working to preserve the temple in partnership with the Apsara Authority.

Built more than two centuries before Angkor Wat Phnom Bakheng in its main temples of Angkor history . The temple architecture of the new capital, Yasodharapura, Yasovarman built when he moved the capital from financial capital Caribbean regional office in Roluos, located in the southeast [1]. 112-113

An inscription dated 1,052 BC and found in Lake Thom temple in Thailand stock stipulated in the current session Sanskrit: ". When she Yasovardhana became king under the name of Yasovarman can Vamasiva said his teacher the king's orders, which he founded in Yasodharagiri penis Mount equal in beauty to the king of this mountain, '[2] scholars believe that this passage refers to the consecration of the Temple Mount Bak A century and a half ago [1].. 112

Surrounding mountains and temples built outside work. In this way radiated four cardinal directions from the mountain. The only way to run northwest orientation of the region southeast of the capital to the eastern part of the old gopura outside capital the country's new, and then turn to the east-west orientation to connect directly to the east entrance of the temple. [3]


Phnom Bakheng is a symbolic representation of Mount Meru, the home of the Hindu gods, a situation emphasized by the location of the temple on top steep hill 65 meters above the surrounding normal. The temple was built in the form of a pyramid level seven, which represents the seven heavens [4 ]. 355,358-360 sandstone shrine at the top five in the state a lot of repair, standing in a quincunx pattern in The central level and in the corner of the pitch. 108 towers were arrayed around the Preah Vihear temple at the ground level and on a lot of class ! Most of them have collapsed. [5]

Jean Filliozat of the Ecole Francaise, the leading authority on the West Indies and astronomy, cosmology, translated symbol of the castle . The temple sits on a rectangular base and an increase in five levels and has five main towers. Four smaller than one hundred people have been distributed on the four towers lower level, so that symmetrical 33 can be seen from the center of one side. Thirty-three of Meru. Phnom Bakheng total of towers is also important. A central axis represents the smallest of the world and more than 108 representatives of the four lunar phases, each with 27 days . Seven of the monument represents the seven heavens and the terrace towers of 12, which represents a 12-year cycle of Jupiter. According to the University of Chicago, Paul Wheatley scholars, it is an astronomical calendar in stone ". [ 6]

Phnom Bakheng is the ruins of the Temple Mount in the Angkor area, which are supposed to reign Yasovarman . The other two are the mountains to the south, near the Tonle Sap lake, and Phnom Bok northeast of the East Baray reservoir [1]. 113

After the rediscovery of Angkor by the outside world in the mid-19th century, decades passed before archeology understand the historical meaning of Phnom Bakheng. For years, the consensus view is that the scholars Bayon temple, which is located in the center of Angkor Thom is building Kak Thom inscription refers stocks. Later known as the place where Buddhist Bayon, built almost three centuries from scratch in the late 12th century and Phnom Bakheng temple Yasovarman [1].Thanks for visiting to phnom bakheng temple in siem reab.
10:05 PM 0



Welcome to kompong trach mountain in kompot province of cambodia.Temple stooped culture Chenla era as well as contemporary police they saw a potential cult: a cave that meet: the sacred in Cambodia today. Features: the sanctity of these caves can be reflectwed through: the presence of some nerve. Unlike nerves Mount Pearl, located in a cave temple stooped Province purely brick and features: particularly useful Temple was built in the cave, which is located on the ground at least 40 meters high. Features: special, which defile the temple of grandeur and defame the famous names in the past. In addition, the resort is an important monument in Mee Hinduism. When we stepped into the penile nerves floor, we found a natural battery that grows from the bottom of the mountain, located in the center of the temple. We can confirm that this penis weird rock originally tro (vagina), but now be broken into three pieces, was taken into é right temple. Recently, it was guards in the village while the vagina to repair and put at the back, insert the penis to the original state. Compared temple stooped to the temple and hermitage or temple can eat that influence culture Borei. The station at the temple in the caves is a synthesis of views between regional Khmer ideology and beliefs of India. Actually mountain incurred pre-history foundation. Thorough check to see that the temple is the only tower was built on a Kurdish mountain seal wall is divided into two parts. The top four with a steep roof with the top step on the yeangosanghea. This nerve has a garlic-like tubers should enjoy immensely. É below observed martial streaked horizon line under Prasat Prey Kuk temple bull Thãt Delhi. The temple is situated in the style painted Coast late 6th and early 7th century of Christianity. Features: martial phte phuong Mealea tassel turban December, and at the center of a wooden phte a roundabout yet no respite martial. Let's say that there are two other temples in major gold province, near the boat adequate support and another temple in Mount Pearl, which has been in existence for not much difference with the Temple Mount stooped snail temple.

Exhibits on the place of the old brick stooped mountain (Mount asleep)
Please recall that mountain stooped nerve, which is located in a cave in the mountain village stooped located ponds Pring Kampot province. The temple cave is you authority inside individual ronvichcha considered clean as temple before Angkor since profile format Reach nervous bricks features: similar to castles Asrom near Phnom Da temple in Takeo province and nervous Chey in Kampong current. Moreover, seniors, all brick above may also underlined by: maze transcription a tab that has been studied by Ai Monica papers in 1901 and the al piece Kolap nail benefit more traditional and Krishnan tro speak a rock which had just been discovered in recent years. Krishnan tro that's vagina Shiva natural organic quartz rock princess umea representatives, which was held in the beginning of the session culture Zhēnlà. On the other hand, studies how to compare the features: The nerve of this mountain cave stooped or asleep to the various regional é and snail The temple can also show the lifetime of our Hindu monument. Because of the motif similarities between the art object: not tick data but is determined at the date of the temple. Evidence the main object to another adequate piece of Kolap nail benefit at the mouth of beauty by nearby draining striped red as they used to meet at the Borei station simulation Schneider and books nerves are gods, including at Prek support é dig Va, and so on. If comparing pieces Kolap nail benefit to pieces pot rebounds Vandy ancient temple caves stooped can also realize that achievement Archaeological especially toddlers as has been in existence for thousands of years, and also it is not just not just happen today, not long years. Because UN steady the political, economic and social post-Angkorian like chariots, it's Army celebrated Vietnamese coupled with a change management system from Hindu Sa next to a Buddhist various sessions Crown Angkor could not provide lick poverty to ethnic Khmer in building a temple for the cult shrine to priority Tep inside Hindu Sa future yet. In short, the mountain stooped brick was built by monks in the 18th century of Christianity not be ideal: harmony. For Ai Monica outdoors the (Aymonier, I, 153-154), who studied nerve precursor aging nervous mountain chhngo can specify in a place inscriptions a 7th century who described about offerings to the gods Shiva: that is called optical continue the Indonesian engineering:. But we are at the end of the 6th century the beginning of the 7th century AD., Near a sand phte location, design style transcluded ass.thanks for your trip to kompong trach mountain in kompot province.
9:49 PM 0

Preah Vihear Temple of khmer

Preah Vihear Temple

welcome to preah vihear province and preah vihear temple near the border of Khmer Thai Temple (Khmer: Temple of Preah Vihear, Thailand: Preah Vihear temple rtgs Wihan) Temple was built during the Khmer Empire, , which is situated on top of the mountain slopes a height of 5 to 25 meters (1,722 feet) in Dângrêk in Preah Vihear Province in In 1962, as follows. . Long conflict between Thailand and Cambodia in ownership, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague ruled that the temple the temple is in Cambodia. [1].
affording a view for many kilometers around the temple setting the greatest of all the temples built in During the Khmer empire six centuries long. As the main building of the spiritual life of the UK, it has been supported and modified by successive kings and so bears elements of various architectural styles. Preah Vihear is unusual among Khmer temples are being built along the north-south axis as long That is better than a simple rectangular plan with orientation toward the east. The temple gives its name to Cambodia's Preah Vihear province in which it was located right now , as well as denim Wihan National Park, which borders it in Si Sa Ket province, Thailand and through the temple Most are easily accessible. On July 7, 2008, Preah Vihear was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. [2] [3].

The temple is located on a hill along the axis oriented north and south, and the risk to the plains north in what is now Thailand.
Preah Vihear is the substance of the ruins, temples and churches. Temple (Temple) means "castle" sometimes "temple"; Sanskrit प्रासाद. Temple of God (God), meaning sacred. "Cathedral" (Cathedral) means "shrine" (the central structure of the Temple). This temple can be related to the Sanskrit word Vihara (विहार), which means that the "settlement".
Temple (Temple) in Sanskrit means ("Castle" sometimes "temple" in Sanskrit प्रासाद) and in the Khmer language, "Capital" (mountains) means Mountains. Cambodians occasionally refer to it as the "temple mountain" (Mount Temple). The word "temple" (God) means "sacred" and the word "church" (Cathedral) means "shrine" (structure center of the Temple).
Thais call it "ปราสาท พระ วิหาร" (Temple of Wihan) means "temple of the Celestial stay.
All three versions of the name, which means a major political and national (see the following: a new dispute over ownership ).

Rough map of Cambodia and Thailand, which shows the location of the temple was exactly at the border of Thailand and Cambodia
The temple was built on top of Beijing Tadi, a mountain in the Dangrek mountain range, which is the border between Thailand and Cambodia nature.
The church is listed by Thailand was in the village of Bhumsrol Bueng Malu sub-district (now merged with the sub-district Sao Thong Chai), in the province of Si Sa Ket district of eastern Thailand. It is 110 kilometers from Si Sa Ket's Muang district, the center of the province of Si Sa Ket.
Preah Vihear temple was listed by the country was in the village of Svay Chrom grandchildren detained in Xinjiang province Khsant Temple of northern Cambodia. The temple is 140 kilometers from the Angkor Wat and 625 kilometers from Phnom Penh.

Khmer temple

In 1962, the Hague court decided that only the temple building, which belongs to Cambodia, while the way directly to the temple is from Thailand. [4]
Modern history and ownership disputes
Plan of Preah Vihear
In the modern temple was discovered by the outside world and has become a subject of dispute between mental Thailand and the independence of the new country.
In 1904, Siam and the French colonial authorities ruled Cambodia Joint Commission established to implement the border demarcation between and most of them to follow the watershed line of the Dangrek mountain range, which has put nearly all of Preah Vihear on the other side of the country. In 1907, after Labour's poll French officials prepared a map showing the location of the boundary. However, a topographic map of the results, which were sent to Thai authorities and used in the year 1962 (ICJ) the ruling showed a slightly different line without explanation at the Preah Vihear temple area, put all of the castle On the Cambodian side.
Structural drawing of the temple
After the withdrawal of French troops from Cambodia in 1954, Thai troops occupied the temple to enforce its claims. Cambodia protested and in 1959 asked the International Court to decide that the Preah Vihear temple and the surrounding area in Cambodian territory. This case has become a volatile political issue in both countries. Diplomatic relations were split and the threat of force has been expressed by both governments.
This is the court's proceedings focused not on questions of culture or heritage, which is the successor state Khmer empire, but rather on the assumption that long-term acceptance of Siam map of 1907.
Arguing in The Hague for the country was the former US Secretary of State Dean Acheson, while the country's legal team Thailand, which included a former British attorney general, Sir Frank Soskice. Cambodia map showing Preah Vihear temple claimed that being on Cambodian territory to be official documents. Thailand claims that the map was correct and that it is not an official document of the Boundary Commission and it infringing on the work of the Commission's policy clearly that this border will follow the water divide, which would put most most of the temple in Thailand. Thailand protested the map earlier, the Thai side said that it is due to Thai authorities The actual holdings of the temple for some period of time, due to the very difficult scaling the steep sides or simply do not understand that the map was wrong.
An example of the temple structure
On 15 June 1962, the court ruled 9 to 3 that Preah Vihear temple belongs to Cambodia, and by a vote of 7 to 5, Thailand return any antiquities such as sculptures removed from the temple. In its decision, the court noted that in over the next five decades has been Mapping Authority Siam / Thailand objected in various international forums for its depiction of the location of the temple. Or whether they objected when the French colonial officials, scholars and government figures Siamese Prince Damrong at the temple 1930 (possibly before the Thais know that this map is wrong). Thailand has accepted and benefited from other parts of the border treaty, the court ruled. With these and other activities, it said that Thailand has accepted this map, and so the country is the owner of Temple. [7]
It is clear from the record that the map was related to the Thai government's claim to represent the result of the demarcation work, since there is a reaction on the part of the Siamese authorities, or for For many years, they must be held to have acquiesced. This map has been contacted Moreover Siamese members of the Joint Committee, who said nothing, Thai Minister of Interior, Prince Damrong, who thanked the French Minister in Bangkok for them, and to the provincial governor Siam a few know that the Preah Vihear temple. If the Siamese authorities accepted the Annex I map without investigation, they could not now plead error vitiating the reality of their consent.
Thai government and the Thai government later raised questions about the Annex I map before its negotiations with Cambodia in Bangkok in 1958, but in 1934-1935, has created a survey map between contrasts and lines of this watershed and maps others were produced showing Preah Vihear temple in Thailand. Thailand, however, continue to use as well, and of course to publish a map showing Preah Vihear temple is located in Cambodia. In addition, in the course of negotiations for the Franco-Siamese Treaty 1925 and 1937, which states that border Already in 1947, in Washington Washington before the Coordinating Committee of France and Thailand's Siam is silent. The natural inference is that Thailand had accepted the border at Preah Vihear temple, which are drawn on the map, not regardless of its correspondence with the water allocation. [7] "
Australian Judge Sir Percy wrote distribution sharp disagreement for minorities on the pitch However, pointing out that the French government has not mentioned the "OK" or acceptance at any time Even when the Thai military observers stationed at the temple in 1949. In contrast, France has always insisted that their map is correct, and the temple was located On their side of the natural watershed (which it clearly is not). Thailand has modified its map, which in his opinion sufficient delivery without protest to the country France. Cost, said:
Not that the Joint Commission has done or not this limit Dangrek truth in my opinion is that the mountainous frontier That is today the line of the watershed.
However, the court upheld a boundary line that does not have a line of slope in the key areas of the castle Temple is a completely different one. This has found its application in a righteous concept of recognition or approval.
With a deep respect for this court, I have the obligation to say that in my judgment As a result of an idea that has been misinterpreted and tail of their absolute sovereignty in the territory, both by Treaty and by the decision of the body appointed under the treaty set the boundary lines are Thailand now has become as provided in the country. [8]
Thailand reacted angrily. It announced that it would boycott meetings of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, with Thai officials said that this step is to make a protest with the United States' direction for the country in this conflict. Evidence Thai officials cited the election of judges on the pitch and Acheson's role as advocates in the country whose country supports the US government replied that Acheson was merely acting as a private attorney, the participation Cambodia. Mass demonstrations that have been held in Thailand to protest against this decision.
Thailand has cracked and finally agreed to open the site to Cambodia. Rather than cut a Thai national flag flying at the Thai temple soldiers dug up and removed with the pole it's still flying. [9] The pole was erected in the nearby steep Vermont Terrace, where it is in use. In January 1963, the country has officially occupied the site in a ceremony attended by nearly 1,000 people Most of them make up the steep challenges from the Cambodian side. Prince Sihanouk, Cambodia's leader walked up the cliff in less than an hour, then made Buddhist monks. He made a gesture of reconciliation in the event announced that all Thai people will be able to visit the temple without without a visa, and that the country is to keep any artifacts that it can be removed from website Free. [10]
Civil War
The civil war began in the country in 1970; Located high on the cliff top castle served to make it easier to protect the troops. Soldiers loyal to the Lon Nol government in Phnom Penh has continued to make it long after normal Under fell to communist forces. Visitors can stroll from the Thai side during the war.
Although the Khmer Rouge captured Phnom Penh in April 1975, the Khmer National Armed Forces soldiers at the temple continued to work out after From the fall of the Khmer Republic government. Khmer Rouge made several failed attempts to capture the temple, then finally succeeded on May 22 1975 by shelling the cliffs, scaling it and routing the Thai defense officials reported time. Defender just step inside the border and surrendered to Thai authorities. [11] It is said that the last place in the country fell to the Khmer Rouge regime.
War started again in the country in December 1978, when Vietnamese troops entered invaded to topple the Khmer Rouge regime. Khmer Rouge troops retreated to the border area. In January, Vietnam reportedly attacked Khmer Rouge troops hiding in the temple, but there are no reports of damage damage to it. Large numbers of refugees into Thailand after the invasion.

8:52 PM 0



Welcome to Cambodia kingdom of wonder that have alot of temple and also the sea is very beautiful.Banteay srey temple is a temple of the Angkor temples in Siem Reap in Cambodia, as well as famous in the world, which has attracted national and international tourists crowd from several regions. The group of tourists who visited Angkor Wat and other temples in the territory of the Province always took the time to travel over great distances away from the town. Temple is famous because it was built with pink stone sculptures pesticides most lively cats, with three towers that pouts like srei_kroblokkha elegance. The temple is built on the ground, flat-shaped compact with sandstone pink and brick-shaped 4 rectangular and has a moat surrounding the tower, all three of the castle built oriented to the east, and the central tower have upheld lingkopreahisaur South dedicated to Hinduism and Northern dedicated to Vishnu. Temple beginning it was called "Eyso gopuras" means "city of Eyso" but later called Banteay Srey temple back due to the compact shape and fancy vivid and beautiful designs on pink rock. Not only that the temple has received praise from the visitors almost everyone that was really nice, though there are premises narrow slightly, but the format temples adorned with sculptures flowers of stories related to the cult of "story dance defame Khmer" Not only sculpture Each features a lively compared to the other temples.


Banteay Srei Temple in the village commune Banteay Srei district located 39 kilometers north of the provincial town of Siem Reap away from Srang 27 kilometers and is located 32 km from the temple along the Mount Kulen. Documentary history Khmer Empire recorded Banteay Srei temple, built in AD 967 in the last King Jayavarman DJ Chanphal, diarrhea is the building of Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom Brahma named authority metal Caribbean, a pair of Jayavarman 5 dedicated to Hinduism. Banteay Srei chompou sandstone and highlighted by fairy adorn 1,500 all are different and beyond inscriptions flowers at Banteay Srei temple, martial exceed carvings on the temples is like a martial art that has engraved on copper so, too. According to the guide that rm 5 temple building rock or "Eyso gopuras" Phuc mhesvar name means "bridge of luggage trinity planet "means" city of Shiva "is not the name of Banteay Srei, as we know. The temple is a stone cup dried rice enclosed 3-storey long-Pavement to the east gopura martial artists in the middle of the pitch Miller reached maze grid to the North South went all finely hammered. Today, all collapsed and the remaining pillars chraung ferns Unfortunately, he said. Banteay Srei temple is a temple that has hammered banhchong colorful look padded Macmillan Mustard vicious cat dynamic fresh look free to imagine a suspected "virtual angel." martial sheet regarding the entire orchestra can Zealand eye visualizations again and again and let stand stagnant stunt forget its sucking mouth impressed despite performances that era build the Banteay Srei temple This is the era of knowledge mastered skills rabbi Pre Khmer time. Banteay Srei temple past have suffered a disaster due to the war made this ancient temple damaged smashed a lot of pieces. Cup defense fence outside were digging exhumed body exploration artifacts during the country in the war. Dimensional stone temple was strewn in front of the temple. Temple inside a broken collapse dilapidated family that looks dismal.Banteay srey temple is the most beautiful temple in siem reab temple.Let visit together to that temple.