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National Museum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia's largest museum, a cultural gathering locations and important history. National Museum to save the statue and historical evidence of more than 1 thousand 4 billion since prehistoric Angkor period and later.

Memoirs national power
The National Museum was built ឴ Thailand Sihanouk ឵ 15, 1917 according to traditional Khmer architecture and was inaugurated in 1920 by King safety. Inside the National Museum deposited artifacts left over from the pre-Angkorian and Angkorian period. It's a collection care good for the world doing research about art Khmer archeological artifacts from the 4th century until the 13th century.
Messages power while National was built in 1917 in the days of French colonial upon the Kingdom of Cambodia (1863-1953) with architect French h the hrau Lee Yemen (George Groslier) that length 54 meters and a depth of 66 meters, and built on the platform with a height of 2 meters and a half. Opening ceremony was held dated 13 April 1920 under the chairmanship of His Majesty King Sisowath king of Cambodia and before Henry dvoam senior French in Cambodia. At the beginning messaging power while National is called messaging power while the krong_kampoucheathibtei and to honor history honor to the governor French Alps Bernoulli Saron site (Albert Sarraut) recently changed its name to message their power of al-Siberian curse basket.
Today there are two badges to make a marble Khmer and one French-language transcript from that generation. The layout of the messages their power is drawn by h the hrau Lee Yemen (George Groslier) collection of sculptures of the palace are the work of artist Khmer, a teacher and a student of the school, such as story neangkakei or Ream reputation, etc. (On those days, the building that is the message Romney transfers and a training school as well). They decorated martial vibrant price on twelve windows and the gate drawn three paintings Other Legends ancient Khmer western windows lined sheet (from the inside).
Because the national power center located in the South, one of the Royal University of Fine Arts (built in 1917), Cambodian People call center salarochnea habits. Messages their power is controlled by the conservative French have, in particular, Mr. Jordan hrkou Lee Yemen is a conservative first Persian after the plug sponge (Pierre Dupont), and follow-up management, messaging power while also being awarded to Mr. Dutch Jerry Bernoulli any (Solange Thierry Bernard) being a director until 1949.
Another followed in 1950 because of power held by Jean Boesselier Angkor Conservation received the message directed at the work of their power. He organized the Assignment of authority because of their power from the French School of the Far East to the government. It was then that power is the name of national power.
Since 1966, ten-year contract between the French School of the Far East and the Royal Government of Cambodia to end. Labor Management Message power while national was dock transfers and laid conservative Resolution on the first, when he is a Thai Seng (Chea Thay Seng), which he used to study (Ecole du Louvre) and at the University of Paris, France. Care Seng led power conservation status (director) until 1971. He then continued conservation Ly Vouong appointed two people were killed in the Khmer Rouge regime.
In the 1970s, the country faced a political crisis, and the security is not guaranteed, Bernard Philippe Groshier transport managers Sunflowers Price from Siem Reap to the Angkor Conservation national power. Art objects Price from power of the province and two other power while also shipping because of their power.
After closed abandoned the regime of Khmer Rouge for almost 4 year power while also arrange the order and opening serve visitors as a new review in dated 13 April 1980, those with a Diploma out of college was appointed as Chairman of the Management series that has Ouk as Ouk Sun Heng. Pich Keo (1991-1996). In dated 26 September 1996, there Assignment of positions between Mr. Pich Keo and Khun Samet (US conservatives present) under the presidency of His Excellency state officials Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts Nuth any drought at the power of the nation.
First national power while building a high school located in the former stable safety called "power while Phnom Penh." When the message power while national (messaging power of today day) build already recently messaging power of Phnom full located messaging power while International today day by turns called "Message power while the krong_kampoucheathibtei."
After the inauguration day in 1920 because of their power krong_kampoucheathibtei was renamed as: "Al-power SBC Cameroon site." And in 1996 was renamed as the "power of the country." When he arrived in 1979 because their power was renamed as: "Because their power artifacts." Then, in the days of Peter glass conservation because of their power was turned called "national power" to this day.
Repair power

Luxurious palaces of power architecture and real Cambodian national has been modified to extend the repair and set up a new subsequent review in 1969. Building east central section, which is the oldest section to be dismantled and rebuilt. But saved format as original due to the construction of concrete Armenian required is a three-story was created foundation for the statutory objects inventories senior middle untouched and floor for an office administrative location statutory documents bnnasar_dthan and libraries. With the help of friends and charitable organizations because of their power has been renovated and equipped with facilities and human resources.
In 1984, because their power was fixed after a new government assistance (Republic). Statue suffered damage requires repair is new.
Is next because their power has received financial support from Australia has been renovating. Such as rooftop wooden ceiling on damages are additional fixes to protect bat dung. Painted walls inside and outside beauty. Messages their power was inaugurated in Thailand on 28 April 1995 after the renovation of already completed under the chairmanship King Norodom Sihanouk, King of Cambodia, and HE Bill Hay Laden General of Australia to to fix the final messages of power while the National Review. The current status of message more power while follow-up BMI on Eph Marx called Find financial aid and techniques to solve problems and make their power improves.
The four galleries of power
East Galleries: north, you can see the exhibition of post-Angkorian statues. Glass cabinets in two rows (khangchevong and right Krut) filled with objects made of bronze and hence Rights recently called Samrin rights standards. Samrin rights standards are divided into two khangchevong Krut is the standard "A" flu and the right hand side is the standard "B". Following standard "" standard Trojans prior history, which has just set up new. South is standard art factory repair.
South galleries: art gallery, made of mud since the 6th century until the 11th century (Baphuon style).
Western gallery: Only two style is the style of Angkor Wat and the Bayon style. Standard for the art style has been divided into two films is the standard "A" standard with preahbdema Jayavarman 7 and the standard "B" wise not kneel.
The northern gallery: gallery Trojans ethnicity east end of the gallery is a standard part ceramics. Visitors child after watching the colt into standard ceramic Buddha statues and then came to visit the booth "A" standard of rights. For guests who are interested in Cuong improve Trojans can chenhtamotvear architecture (behind Garuda) to study the objects on display at the corner of the housetop gallery further south, west and north. Housetop Each gallery has a pier and several statues. Housetop gallery north-east rock inscriptions and low credit martial panel Banteay two main tabs.