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Preah Vihear Temple of khmer

Preah Vihear Temple

welcome to preah vihear province and preah vihear temple near the border of Khmer Thai Temple (Khmer: Temple of Preah Vihear, Thailand: Preah Vihear temple rtgs Wihan) Temple was built during the Khmer Empire, , which is situated on top of the mountain slopes a height of 5 to 25 meters (1,722 feet) in Dângrêk in Preah Vihear Province in In 1962, as follows. . Long conflict between Thailand and Cambodia in ownership, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague ruled that the temple the temple is in Cambodia. [1].
affording a view for many kilometers around the temple setting the greatest of all the temples built in During the Khmer empire six centuries long. As the main building of the spiritual life of the UK, it has been supported and modified by successive kings and so bears elements of various architectural styles. Preah Vihear is unusual among Khmer temples are being built along the north-south axis as long That is better than a simple rectangular plan with orientation toward the east. The temple gives its name to Cambodia's Preah Vihear province in which it was located right now , as well as denim Wihan National Park, which borders it in Si Sa Ket province, Thailand and through the temple Most are easily accessible. On July 7, 2008, Preah Vihear was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. [2] [3].

The temple is located on a hill along the axis oriented north and south, and the risk to the plains north in what is now Thailand.
Preah Vihear is the substance of the ruins, temples and churches. Temple (Temple) means "castle" sometimes "temple"; Sanskrit प्रासाद. Temple of God (God), meaning sacred. "Cathedral" (Cathedral) means "shrine" (the central structure of the Temple). This temple can be related to the Sanskrit word Vihara (विहार), which means that the "settlement".
Temple (Temple) in Sanskrit means ("Castle" sometimes "temple" in Sanskrit प्रासाद) and in the Khmer language, "Capital" (mountains) means Mountains. Cambodians occasionally refer to it as the "temple mountain" (Mount Temple). The word "temple" (God) means "sacred" and the word "church" (Cathedral) means "shrine" (structure center of the Temple).
Thais call it "ปราสาท พระ วิหาร" (Temple of Wihan) means "temple of the Celestial stay.
All three versions of the name, which means a major political and national (see the following: a new dispute over ownership ).

Rough map of Cambodia and Thailand, which shows the location of the temple was exactly at the border of Thailand and Cambodia
The temple was built on top of Beijing Tadi, a mountain in the Dangrek mountain range, which is the border between Thailand and Cambodia nature.
The church is listed by Thailand was in the village of Bhumsrol Bueng Malu sub-district (now merged with the sub-district Sao Thong Chai), in the province of Si Sa Ket district of eastern Thailand. It is 110 kilometers from Si Sa Ket's Muang district, the center of the province of Si Sa Ket.
Preah Vihear temple was listed by the country was in the village of Svay Chrom grandchildren detained in Xinjiang province Khsant Temple of northern Cambodia. The temple is 140 kilometers from the Angkor Wat and 625 kilometers from Phnom Penh.

Khmer temple

In 1962, the Hague court decided that only the temple building, which belongs to Cambodia, while the way directly to the temple is from Thailand. [4]
Modern history and ownership disputes
Plan of Preah Vihear
In the modern temple was discovered by the outside world and has become a subject of dispute between mental Thailand and the independence of the new country.
In 1904, Siam and the French colonial authorities ruled Cambodia Joint Commission established to implement the border demarcation between and most of them to follow the watershed line of the Dangrek mountain range, which has put nearly all of Preah Vihear on the other side of the country. In 1907, after Labour's poll French officials prepared a map showing the location of the boundary. However, a topographic map of the results, which were sent to Thai authorities and used in the year 1962 (ICJ) the ruling showed a slightly different line without explanation at the Preah Vihear temple area, put all of the castle On the Cambodian side.
Structural drawing of the temple
After the withdrawal of French troops from Cambodia in 1954, Thai troops occupied the temple to enforce its claims. Cambodia protested and in 1959 asked the International Court to decide that the Preah Vihear temple and the surrounding area in Cambodian territory. This case has become a volatile political issue in both countries. Diplomatic relations were split and the threat of force has been expressed by both governments.
This is the court's proceedings focused not on questions of culture or heritage, which is the successor state Khmer empire, but rather on the assumption that long-term acceptance of Siam map of 1907.
Arguing in The Hague for the country was the former US Secretary of State Dean Acheson, while the country's legal team Thailand, which included a former British attorney general, Sir Frank Soskice. Cambodia map showing Preah Vihear temple claimed that being on Cambodian territory to be official documents. Thailand claims that the map was correct and that it is not an official document of the Boundary Commission and it infringing on the work of the Commission's policy clearly that this border will follow the water divide, which would put most most of the temple in Thailand. Thailand protested the map earlier, the Thai side said that it is due to Thai authorities The actual holdings of the temple for some period of time, due to the very difficult scaling the steep sides or simply do not understand that the map was wrong.
An example of the temple structure
On 15 June 1962, the court ruled 9 to 3 that Preah Vihear temple belongs to Cambodia, and by a vote of 7 to 5, Thailand return any antiquities such as sculptures removed from the temple. In its decision, the court noted that in over the next five decades has been Mapping Authority Siam / Thailand objected in various international forums for its depiction of the location of the temple. Or whether they objected when the French colonial officials, scholars and government figures Siamese Prince Damrong at the temple 1930 (possibly before the Thais know that this map is wrong). Thailand has accepted and benefited from other parts of the border treaty, the court ruled. With these and other activities, it said that Thailand has accepted this map, and so the country is the owner of Temple. [7]
It is clear from the record that the map was related to the Thai government's claim to represent the result of the demarcation work, since there is a reaction on the part of the Siamese authorities, or for For many years, they must be held to have acquiesced. This map has been contacted Moreover Siamese members of the Joint Committee, who said nothing, Thai Minister of Interior, Prince Damrong, who thanked the French Minister in Bangkok for them, and to the provincial governor Siam a few know that the Preah Vihear temple. If the Siamese authorities accepted the Annex I map without investigation, they could not now plead error vitiating the reality of their consent.
Thai government and the Thai government later raised questions about the Annex I map before its negotiations with Cambodia in Bangkok in 1958, but in 1934-1935, has created a survey map between contrasts and lines of this watershed and maps others were produced showing Preah Vihear temple in Thailand. Thailand, however, continue to use as well, and of course to publish a map showing Preah Vihear temple is located in Cambodia. In addition, in the course of negotiations for the Franco-Siamese Treaty 1925 and 1937, which states that border Already in 1947, in Washington Washington before the Coordinating Committee of France and Thailand's Siam is silent. The natural inference is that Thailand had accepted the border at Preah Vihear temple, which are drawn on the map, not regardless of its correspondence with the water allocation. [7] "
Australian Judge Sir Percy wrote distribution sharp disagreement for minorities on the pitch However, pointing out that the French government has not mentioned the "OK" or acceptance at any time Even when the Thai military observers stationed at the temple in 1949. In contrast, France has always insisted that their map is correct, and the temple was located On their side of the natural watershed (which it clearly is not). Thailand has modified its map, which in his opinion sufficient delivery without protest to the country France. Cost, said:
Not that the Joint Commission has done or not this limit Dangrek truth in my opinion is that the mountainous frontier That is today the line of the watershed.
However, the court upheld a boundary line that does not have a line of slope in the key areas of the castle Temple is a completely different one. This has found its application in a righteous concept of recognition or approval.
With a deep respect for this court, I have the obligation to say that in my judgment As a result of an idea that has been misinterpreted and tail of their absolute sovereignty in the territory, both by Treaty and by the decision of the body appointed under the treaty set the boundary lines are Thailand now has become as provided in the country. [8]
Thailand reacted angrily. It announced that it would boycott meetings of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, with Thai officials said that this step is to make a protest with the United States' direction for the country in this conflict. Evidence Thai officials cited the election of judges on the pitch and Acheson's role as advocates in the country whose country supports the US government replied that Acheson was merely acting as a private attorney, the participation Cambodia. Mass demonstrations that have been held in Thailand to protest against this decision.
Thailand has cracked and finally agreed to open the site to Cambodia. Rather than cut a Thai national flag flying at the Thai temple soldiers dug up and removed with the pole it's still flying. [9] The pole was erected in the nearby steep Vermont Terrace, where it is in use. In January 1963, the country has officially occupied the site in a ceremony attended by nearly 1,000 people Most of them make up the steep challenges from the Cambodian side. Prince Sihanouk, Cambodia's leader walked up the cliff in less than an hour, then made Buddhist monks. He made a gesture of reconciliation in the event announced that all Thai people will be able to visit the temple without without a visa, and that the country is to keep any artifacts that it can be removed from website Free. [10]
Civil War
The civil war began in the country in 1970; Located high on the cliff top castle served to make it easier to protect the troops. Soldiers loyal to the Lon Nol government in Phnom Penh has continued to make it long after normal Under fell to communist forces. Visitors can stroll from the Thai side during the war.
Although the Khmer Rouge captured Phnom Penh in April 1975, the Khmer National Armed Forces soldiers at the temple continued to work out after From the fall of the Khmer Republic government. Khmer Rouge made several failed attempts to capture the temple, then finally succeeded on May 22 1975 by shelling the cliffs, scaling it and routing the Thai defense officials reported time. Defender just step inside the border and surrendered to Thai authorities. [11] It is said that the last place in the country fell to the Khmer Rouge regime.
War started again in the country in December 1978, when Vietnamese troops entered invaded to topple the Khmer Rouge regime. Khmer Rouge troops retreated to the border area. In January, Vietnam reportedly attacked Khmer Rouge troops hiding in the temple, but there are no reports of damage damage to it. Large numbers of refugees into Thailand after the invasion.