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Welcome to Cambodia kingdom of wonder that have alot of temple and also the sea is very beautiful.Banteay srey temple is a temple of the Angkor temples in Siem Reap in Cambodia, as well as famous in the world, which has attracted national and international tourists crowd from several regions. The group of tourists who visited Angkor Wat and other temples in the territory of the Province always took the time to travel over great distances away from the town. Temple is famous because it was built with pink stone sculptures pesticides most lively cats, with three towers that pouts like srei_kroblokkha elegance. The temple is built on the ground, flat-shaped compact with sandstone pink and brick-shaped 4 rectangular and has a moat surrounding the tower, all three of the castle built oriented to the east, and the central tower have upheld lingkopreahisaur South dedicated to Hinduism and Northern dedicated to Vishnu. Temple beginning it was called "Eyso gopuras" means "city of Eyso" but later called Banteay Srey temple back due to the compact shape and fancy vivid and beautiful designs on pink rock. Not only that the temple has received praise from the visitors almost everyone that was really nice, though there are premises narrow slightly, but the format temples adorned with sculptures flowers of stories related to the cult of "story dance defame Khmer" Not only sculpture Each features a lively compared to the other temples.


Banteay Srei Temple in the village commune Banteay Srei district located 39 kilometers north of the provincial town of Siem Reap away from Srang 27 kilometers and is located 32 km from the temple along the Mount Kulen. Documentary history Khmer Empire recorded Banteay Srei temple, built in AD 967 in the last King Jayavarman DJ Chanphal, diarrhea is the building of Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom Brahma named authority metal Caribbean, a pair of Jayavarman 5 dedicated to Hinduism. Banteay Srei chompou sandstone and highlighted by fairy adorn 1,500 all are different and beyond inscriptions flowers at Banteay Srei temple, martial exceed carvings on the temples is like a martial art that has engraved on copper so, too. According to the guide that rm 5 temple building rock or "Eyso gopuras" Phuc mhesvar name means "bridge of luggage trinity planet "means" city of Shiva "is not the name of Banteay Srei, as we know. The temple is a stone cup dried rice enclosed 3-storey long-Pavement to the east gopura martial artists in the middle of the pitch Miller reached maze grid to the North South went all finely hammered. Today, all collapsed and the remaining pillars chraung ferns Unfortunately, he said. Banteay Srei temple is a temple that has hammered banhchong colorful look padded Macmillan Mustard vicious cat dynamic fresh look free to imagine a suspected "virtual angel." martial sheet regarding the entire orchestra can Zealand eye visualizations again and again and let stand stagnant stunt forget its sucking mouth impressed despite performances that era build the Banteay Srei temple This is the era of knowledge mastered skills rabbi Pre Khmer time. Banteay Srei temple past have suffered a disaster due to the war made this ancient temple damaged smashed a lot of pieces. Cup defense fence outside were digging exhumed body exploration artifacts during the country in the war. Dimensional stone temple was strewn in front of the temple. Temple inside a broken collapse dilapidated family that looks dismal.Banteay srey temple is the most beautiful temple in siem reab temple.Let visit together to that temple.